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A new wave of innovation: the Bosch×Richter Innovators' Day is all about Generation Z

  • This year Generation Z is the focus of the Bosch×Richter Innovators' Day, which was created last year by two of Hungary's leading companies to honor their founders
  • Generation Z role models, leading Hungarian and international experts from Bosch and Richter, as well as future innovators, will seek answers to today's most pressing questions on September 25 at the Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus
  • The latest results of a public survey on young people's attitudes towards innovation will be presented by generations researcher Krisztián Steigervald
  • Bosch×Richter Innovators' Day gives insights into the latest megatrends in the pharmaceutical and automotive industries
  • The winners of this year's first Bosch×Richter Industrial Innovation Award will also be presented at the event
A new wave of innovation: the Bosch×Richter Innovators' Day is all about Generation Z

“Gen Z” or the digital natives who are both brave and aware, honest and critical. How do people born between 1997 and 2012 feel about innovation, the workplace of the future and what do they think we need to do for a better future? With Generation Z role models, exciting research findings, inspiring roundtable discussions, future innovators and the latest pharmaceutical and automotive megatrends, this year's Bosch×Richter Innovators Day will focus on Generation Z.

Today's most pressing issues that will shape our future will be addressed on September 25 at the Bosch×Richter Innovators' Day at the Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus. The conference, which was meant to establish a new tradition, was first held last year by two of Hungary's leading companies to honor the iconic founders Robert Bosch and Gedeon Richter, both leading innovators of their time.

At this year's event, leading Hungarian and international experts from Bosch and Richter will seek answers to questions such as what forms of transportation and healthcare we will have in 5-10 years, what message the founders' life's work holds for Generation Z, and what new dimensions in innovation will be opened up by the unique collaboration between the ecosystem, higher education and major corporations.

Generation Z role models at the Bosch×Richter Innovators Day
The speakers and panelists at the Bosch×Richter Innovators Day will include successful startup entrepreneurs from Generation Z. Albert Wettstein, founder of Munch, Fanni Gyarmati, co-founder of Diverzum and Endre “Silur” Ábrahám, ethical hacker, will share their thoughts on the desire to innovate, motivation and the “innovator career”, among other topics. The latest results of a public opinion poll on young people's attitudes towards innovation will be presented by generations researcher Krisztián Steigervald.

The event will also showcase future Generation Z innovators, winners of this year's first Bosch×Richter Industrial Innovation Award. The competition launched by Bosch and Richter aims to encourage innovative thinking and the development of sustainable solutions for higher education students in the fields of mobility and healthcare.

The hosts of the Bosch×Richter Innovators' Day will be Szilvia Krizsó and Dávid Miller.

Futuristic walk through the Bosch and Richter visitor centers
Visitors will also be able to get a taste of the latest developments from Bosch and Richter at the on-site exhibition stands. The eTipo, a test vehicle jointly developed by Bosch and BME, will be on display. It is a real racing car, built on the most advanced electric drivetrain and shaped like a vintage Formula 1 car.
The Bosch×Richter Innovators' Day is free to attend but registration is required. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore the Bosch Rexroth CU.BE and the Richter visitor center.

More information, detailed program and registration:

Tags: Bosch, Bosch group, Richter, conference, innovation, pharmaceutical industry, automotive industry, Generation Z, Innovation

Zita Hella Varga

Phone: +36 70 667-6374