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“We want new rules for the game!” – Bosch and Richter researched the expectations of Generation Z

  • In this year's joint public opinion survey, Bosch Hungary and Richter Gedeon Plc. explored the future and innovation from the perspective of Generation Z. The new research results were presented at the Bosch×Richter Innovators' Day on 25 September 2024 at the Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus
  • Generation Z sees the challenges of consumer society, the climate crisis and dwindling natural resources as the world's most important problems, and is ready to change its own lifestyle when it comes to environmental protection and a sustainable future
  • Above all, young people expect innovative companies to promote sustainability and to pay particular attention to social innovation
  • When Generation Z is asked about their vision, they expect the greatest advances in practical innovation in the fields of medicine and transport
  • From higher education, they expect talent management, participation in international projects and work placements in real business environments
  • It is important for young people that Hungarian companies and Hungarian professionals are involved in the development of the world through innovation processes. Both Bosch and Richter are considered to be companies whose innovative strength is internationally significant
“We want new rules for the game!” – Bosch and Richter researched the expectations of Generation Z

Budapest – For Generation Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, innovation is now much more than technological progress. What changes might this new outlook bring to the economy, higher education, the workplace, transport or medicine? This time, two of Hungary's leading innovative companies, the Bosch Group in Hungary and Gedeon Richter Plc., explored the issues of the future and innovation from the perspective of Generation Z in a joint opinion poll. The new research results were presented at the Bosch×Richter Innovators' Day on 25 September 2024 at the Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus.

They would redesign consumer society
More and more often, we hear the adjective innovative in everyday life to describe companies and products that are cutting-edge, new and moving the world forward. While nearly four-fifths of Generation Z (78%) understand the term, the research looked in detail at what young people expect from technologically leading, innovative companies.

As Generation Z members identify the challenges of consumerism (45%), the climate crisis (44%) and dwindling and depleting natural resources (41%) as the most important issues facing the world today, the majority (53%) believe that these are the problems that companies can help alleviate. Many (41%) would like to see the preservation of environmental assets and the use and development of innovations with a sustainability focus (32%). More than two thirds of young respondents see innovation as a way to promote (59%) or directly contribute (9%) to an environmentally conscious and sustainable lifestyle.

Let's take responsibility for each other!
Corporate social responsibility is also seen as important by young people, with more than a third (36%) expecting companies to pay special attention to social innovation, and almost as many (33%) think that companies should contribute to economic and social development, with support for individual development also among the top priorities (34%).

On the threshold of the green era: young people would switch to electric vehicles and alternative energy
For young people, it is clear that while the responsibility of companies is paramount, businesses alone will not be able to solve the sustainability challenge, and that everyone, at an individual level, must contribute. This is why Generation Z is ready to change their lifestyle when it comes to the environment and a sustainable future. The largest proportion of respondents (39%) said that they would buy products with a small ecological footprint in the future. Many (29%) plan to use vehicles with electric or hybrid powertrains (scooters, bicycles, cars), but would also switch to other alternative energy sources such as hydrogen in the future (22%).

The Bosch×Richter research shows that sustainability expectations of companies are also reflected in the decisions of employees. More than a quarter of Generation Z employees (27%) would like to work in a workplace that does a lot to protect the environment (such as a zero-carbon company) or has an exemplary corporate social responsibility program (23%).

New cures, self-driving vehicles and robot colleagues could be on the way
No one can say exactly where the world is heading, but when you ask Generation Z about their vision, most expect the biggest advances in medicine and transport. According to the survey, in 10 to 20 years' time, most of today's young people (47%) expect to see medicines for diseases that didn't have cures in the past, and new methods of treatments (44%). Many think that in the future we will have better transport infrastructure than we do today (44%), and that it will be common to see driverless vehicles (31%) and robots in the workplace to make our jobs more efficient (32%).

Mentoring could be the future, not teaching: Gen Z wants personal talent management and real challenges
It is clear that innovation does not come about by itself but needs to be actively supported by the whole education system and by companies. But what are the needs of young people, typically in secondary and higher education or recent graduates? For Generation Z, the key to an innovative approach in higher education is talent management (40%), the possibility to get involved in international projects (40%) and research (36%) during their college or university years. For them the possibility to do internships in a real company environment (37%) is also very important. On the corporate side, the research shows that the most attractive innovative workplaces for Generation Z are companies that support creative freedom and the realization of ideas (48%), offer opportunities for professional development and career progression (46%) and help young people starting their careers to find a job (44%).

This is the Generation Z workplace: innovation and human relations at all levels
More than two thirds (70%) of Generation Z members explicitly want to work in an innovative workplace or company in the future. However, the research also shows that flexible working arrangements and home office opportunities are seen as more important than any other aspect in terms of work-life balance (44%). This is seen as an important benchmark for companies' innovative approach and the workplace of the future. It is also important for Generation Z that workplaces use the latest technologies (37%) and offer a modern, aesthetic, ergonomic environment that fosters innovation and creativity (37%), providing inspiring and exciting spaces for collaboration and relaxation (30%). The data shows that young people's perception of the workplace is clearly driven by personal and human factors, which outweigh even aspects such as artificial intelligence (24%) or robotics (14%) in the workplace of the future.

What is innovation like if it is Hungarian?
In addition to global challenges and international innovation trends, the survey also looked at domestic aspects. The research asked Generation Z what type of innovation they think can drive Hungary forward. Almost half of the respondents (46%) said that the most important thing from this point of view is that Hungary can benefit from the innovation in question. Around a third of young people believe that a good innovation for the country is one that is implemented in Hungary (35%) or that involves Hungarian experts (32%), while only a few (15%) consider it important that the name of a Hungarian inventor is linked to a particular development.

The results show that the top three areas where Hungary is leading the way in innovation today, according to Generation Z, are software solutions and software development (34%), pharmaceutical research (33%) and the automotive industry (31%). Three quarters of respondents (75%) consider it important that Hungarian companies and Hungarian professionals are involved in the development of the world through innovation processes. The survey results show that the vast majority of Generation Z in Hungary consider the Bosch Group (88%) and Gedeon Richter Plc. (89%) to be at the forefront of innovation.

Research methodology
The fieldwork of the research took place in July 2024, and data was collected using the CAWI (online questionnaire) method. Sample size: n=5090, of which Generation Z: n=513. The survey was conducted by SteiGen Consultancy Kft. on behalf of Bosch and Richter, research manager: Krisztián Steigervald.

Tags: Bosch, Bosch group, Richter, conference, innovation, pharmaceutical industry, automotive industry, Generation Z, research, Innovation Ecosystem

Zita Hella Varga

Phone: +36 70 667-6374